Thursday 6 November 2008

Dear Clare Short

I have decided to do this blog because there are things that I feel and want to say but no one that I can say them to. I'm probably going to sound a bit like a teenager now but I worry that people are going to say I'm too political or pushy in my views. They would probably be right but now they can choose whether or not to read my views or whether to respond or not to my views and maybe have an interesting conversation. It won't just be about my views although they are important to me. I would also like to share experiences and photos with you. When I say 'you' it is in the old fashioned way of giving a diary a name. I've called my diary clare short because I have been reading her book 'An Honourable Deception' and it made me want to ask questions or say how I felt at the time of the Twin Towers and afterwards. I am not suggesting that I am talking directly to her through my blog, but maybe sharing my thoughts with a like minded person.

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